use to specify the container for counter
received value type : string
initialization of the counter in the container by its ID
initialization of the counter in the container by its class name
use to set the mask to display
received value type : string
default value : " " (16 [space] chars)
the counter receives up to 16 text characters and displays all these 16 characters (by default)
After setting the mask "ortus " ('ortus' + 11 [space] chars), the counter will display 'ortus' + 11 transmitted chars only.
In case of transmitting the string with 0 chars to the counter, the counter will display 'ortus' + 11 [space] chars from the mask ([spaces] in this context).
If the mask is "ortus00000000000" ('ortus' + 11 zeros) then in case of transmitting of the string with 0 chars the counter will display 'ortus' + 11 chars from the mask (zeros in this context).
If 1 char is transmitted, the counter will display 'ortus' + 10 zeros + the transmitted char
"0" and "[space]" in the mask are replaceable chars transmitted to the counter in the form of the string. Other chars in the mask will be displayed without changes.
e.g. to display time in format 00:00:00 am(pm) it is necessary to use the mask "00:00:00 " and transmit the string "031457 pm" to the counter. For that purpose it is possible to use the mask "00000000 " but then it is necessary to transmit the string "03:14:57 pm" to the counter.
used to specify the animation duration
received value type : int
default value : 800 (ms)
used to specify the container width
received value type : string
default value : automatically calculated the depending on the number of chars, border width and font size
possible values : 100, 150, 400, 800, "31%", "100%"
used to specify the container height
received value type : int
default value : automatically calculated the depending on border width and font size
used to correct text position toward top and bottom container border
received value type : int
default value : 4 conventional units (not pixels)
increase of the value results in increase of the space between bottom text border and bottom container border
used to change font size (in pixels)
received value type : int
default value : inherited from the parent element
used to change font weight
received value type : string
default value : inherited from the parent element
possible values : "normal", "bold", "100" - "800"
used to change font color
received value type : string
default value : inherited from the parent element
possible values : "black", "white", "#def", "rgb(20,70,140)", "rgba(20,70,140, .5)"
used to change the container color background
received value type : string
default value : none
possible values : "black", "white", "#def", "rgb(20,70,140)", "rgba(20,70,140, .5)"
Also: gradient-black, gradient-blue, gradient-orange... Listed gradients are described in "ortusitCounter.css", similarly add your own one.
used to define container shadow
received value type : string
default value : none
e.g. : "0px 5px 10px #000" (see description of the CSS shadow)
used to define container borders
received value type : string
default value : none
e.g. : "2px solid #08517d" (see description of the CSS border)
used to radius container borders (in pixels)
received value type : int
default value : none
used to define the style of character spacing separator
received value type : string
default value : none
e.g. : "2px solid #08517d" (see description of the CSS border)
used to define the space before symbol
received value type : int
default value : 0
used to define the space after symbol
received value type : int
default value : 0
used to cycle the display of transmitted counter values
received value type : bool
default value : false
used to change the direction of chars scroll
received value type : bool
default value : false
If "A" is displayed and then "B", "B" will scroll from the bottom.
In case of 'reverseDirection : true' - "B" will scroll from the top.
used for shuffle the transmitted counter values
received value type : bool
default value : false
used to align the animation speed
by default, counter displays each character with arbitrary correction to the speed of the animation
received value type : bool
default value : true
used to change animation effect
received value type : string
default value : "linear"
possible values : see in Visual Configurator
used to change automatically the font size from the browser width
received value type : array(array(int, int, int), array(int, int, int))
default value : none
[[browser_width_from], [browser_width_to], [font_size_px]]
used to define the highlight (blink) speed
received value type : int (ms)
default value : 300 ms
will be sequential display of all transmitted values
received value type (string) - string
received value type (delay) - int (ms)
will be sequential display of all transmitted values with delay after last display
received value type (string) - string
received value type (false) - bool
When 'false' is transmitted the data will be cleared and the transmitted value will be displayed immediately. Mainly used to display time and date.
used to display highlight (blink) transmitted value
default blink color : "#dd5a43"
used to define highlight (blink) color
received value type (color) - string
possible values : "black", "white", "#def", "rgb(20,70,140)", "rgba(20,70,140, .5)"
used to cycle the counters if you need to install the other counter instead of a cycled one.